The Importance of Clean Air Filters in Heavy Equipment

August 13, 2020 7:32 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Across the Lone Star State, countless businesses rely on heavy machinery to get through their day. Whether prepping ground for an oil and gas project or setting up a new construction site, heavy machinery is integral to the success of thousands of people every day. When it comes to your specific heavy machinery needs, you undoubtedly have a strategy for routine maintenance in place to protect your investment.

While you’re thinking about the efficiency of your machinery, don’t forget to pay close attention to your heavy equipment diesel air filter in Texas. Neglecting this critical component of your engine could be costing you more than you realize.

Reduce your fuel consumption

You might make the connection between fuel consumption and an air filter, but consider this: the dirtier your air filter, the harder your engine needs to work. The harder your engine works, the more fuel it consumes. If your air filter is 50 percent clogged, for example, you could be using up to three times more fuel than normal. If your air filter is 75 percent clogged, your extra fuel usage could shoot up to five times more than normal. That’s a considerable cost when compounded over hours, days and weeks—save fuel (and money) by making sure your air filter is clean and changed out after every 2,000 hours of operation.

Increase the lifespan of your machinery

In addition to consuming more fuel, an engine that is competing with a clogged air filter will end up working harder overall. That adds up to more stress placed on the individual parts and components that make up your engine. As a result, working to overcome the disruption of a clogged heavy equipment diesel air filter in Texas could cause parts of your engine to malfunction sooner than expected.

Reduce your impact on the environment

More fuel used means more emissions expelled. More parts means more materials harvested from the planet to make them. As a result, ensuring that you are reducing that stress as much as possible by regularly cleaning your air filter equates to less harm caused to the environment. In an age where the threat of climate change needs to be addressed, every little effort a company can take makes sense. The fact that keeping your air filter clean also saves you big money makes it a no-brainer.

Get the best

You shouldn’t have to lose time and money worrying about your engine air filter maintenance in Texas. Let V-Bar Equipment Company take that burden off your plate. Since we opened our doors in 1993, we have stayed on the cutting edge of the industry, even as we expanded our list of services to include the sales and service of forklifts, boom lifts, scissor lifts and more. We also offer heavy equipment rental, as well as a wide array of parts for all products.

You deserve the very best service and high-quality products that your hard-earned money can buy. Pick up the phone and give us a call today to find out how our talented team can help you out.

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